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Send The Elevator Back Down

Success is a great experience and something that takes time, dedication and work. It also usually takes support from others. No one accomplishes much on his or her own. Even if all that means is we have people who believe in us and cheer us on, it takes a collaborate effort for each one of us to be successful.

It can be easy to forget from whence we came. Once we get to the top, we can forget what it took to get there and perhaps the people that are still where we used to be. When we become successful, it is important that we support those coming behind us to also be successful. Once we get to the top, we need to "Send the elevator back down" to give those behind us support to get to the top too. There is plenty of room for all of us to be successful. And the more successful each one of us becomes, the better off all of us will be.

Unfortunately, I haven't seen the elevator being sent down as much as it could be. Sometimes, those who get to the top are fearful of those coming behind. They don't want the competition. There is even a situation referred to as "the Queen Bee syndrome" where women are fearful of helping other women succeed for fear that they will be replaced by a woman they help. If we all operate from the belief that there is more than enough to go around, our fear can be replaced by the sense of doing something that benefits everyone in the long run.

One of the most important things to do in life, in my opinion, is mentor someone. I believe it is a privilege and an obligation to support others in achieving their desired success. When someone is new to the field and just starting out, it can be daunting. There is usually so much to learn and understand that having someone to support and encourage us on our way is essential. It is always easier when two people row the boat. When we are both rowing, we both will go further than we would alone.

I volunteered with a local organization to coach women who had found themselves on the other side of the economic curve. For many reasons, these women were in positions where they were challenged to support themselves and their families. I was assigned to a young woman who had a small child, no job and no place to live. I mentored this young woman for three years. At the end of that time she had graduated from junior college, moved into her own apartment, and had a good job with room to grow. When I began mentoring this young woman, I thought I was going to teach her a lot. Was I ever wrong? She is the one who taught me. I still marvel at how much I received from this relationship. That is the beauty of supporting others. In the process we also grow, learn and receive unbelievable gifts.

At every opportunity, send the elevator back down. This can be done in many ways. Provide informational interviews, mentor a new member of the organization or perhaps spend time at a local high school sharing what it takes to be successful. There are many ways to lend support. When we help someone reach her or his goals and dreams, we make a world of difference.

Coach Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, PhD provides daily motivation, information and inspiration to thousands of busy self development enthusiast who want to stay focused and on track to their goals through her award winning e-zine 365 Days of Coaching. For a free report, "The Power of Daily Action - How to create more Wealth, Health and Happiness by Tapping Into the Power of Daily Action" go to

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